The role of the prophet
Eliyyahu (Elijah) in our Jewish tradition
is that he is the one who is to come and reveal
the Messiah to Israel.
His return is also eagerly awaited because at the time of his coming
he will reveal the hidden things found in the Torah and explain points
in the Law that have baffled the learned.Consequently,texts that are
found to be cryptic or enigmatic and mysterious
are designated TEIKU (Hebrew for "let it stand" or "let it
be shelved") because "when Elijah comes he will tell us" (Berakoth
35b; Menachoth 45a; Bekhoroth 24a, Babylonian Talmud).
The Hebrew word TEIKU is also an acronym or notarikon for
Tishbi Yitaretz Kushiyat V'abayot (lit, "the Tishbite (Elijah) will
resolve difficulties and problems") when he comes. In the meantime,
these problems are shelved until Eliyyahu comes to give us understanding.
(See also, Baba Metzia 1.8; 2.8; 3.4,5;Shekalim 2.5, Mishnah; Shabbath
108a; Pesachim 13a, 70a; Hagigah
25a; Yebamoth 35b, 41b,102a; Gittin 42b; Menachoth 63a,
Babylonian Talmud; Midrash Numbers Rabbah 3.13; Zohar 3:27b-28a, etc.).
Thus, it is through Eliyyahu that our people shall know
that the Messiah is near. In turn, it is through the restoration and
revelation of the hidden things in the Torah that we shall see
the final exaltation of His Truth (Isaiah 42:21; Psalm 138:2),
and know that the time of Eliyyahu is here.